Wednesday, June 3, 2015

El matrimonio homosexual y la Ordenanza de la Ciudad de Houston sobre los derechos de las personas homosexuals

Nosotros, los Sacerdotes de la Iglesia Ortodoxa en Houston y el Sureste del Estado de Texas, estamos motivados grandemente por nuestra responsabilidad ante Dios, Creador de todas las cosas visibles e invisibles,  de hablar y dar testimonio contra la rebeliòn abierta y manifiesta del orden creado por el mismo Dios y que nosotros vemos está siendo olvidado tanto a nivel local como en todo el país.

Ha sido el mismo Dios Creador quien estableciò al momento de la Creaciòn del ser humano los dos sexos, el sexo masculino y el sexo femenino, hombre y mujer, dejando sentada de esa manera Su Voluntad sobre  lo que es el matrimonio entre ellos encargados de la procreaciòn del género humano ya que recibieron el mandato directamente del Creador " creced y multiplicaos ",   El propio Señor Jesucristo corrobora en su enseñanza los sucesos de la Creación al decir Él mismo : " Al comienzo de la Creación Dios los hizo hombre y mujer. Por esta causa dejarà el hombre a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su mujer y serán los dos una sola carne. Lo que Dios uniò no lo separe el hombre ".  San Marcos 10: 6 - 10  y Génesis 1: 27 ; 2: 24 ; 5: 21.

La nombrada " Orden de Houston para la igualdad de derechos " Houston Equal Rights Ordinance " no contiene lo que dice trata de alcanzar. Totalmente al contrario, quiere darle a un hombre que se considera a si mismo como mujer sin haber tenido una cirugía de cambio de sexo, el derecho de usar el baño asignado a las mujeres que lo son por nacimiento, quitándoles a èstas el derecho de su privacidad.  Ese hombre lo quieren considerar mujer solamente porque él lo afirma, esto es, la cuestión de ser hombre o mujer es considerada desde el punto de vista mental, no biológico.

Después que el Concilio de la ciudad de Houston aprobó esa ley injusta, cristianos de todas las razas, denominaciones, y afiliaciones políticas, organizaron una campaña de petición que tuvo el resultado de un número mayor de firmas que las requeridas para colocar el punto debatido en la boleta de votaciòn.  La Alcaldesa Anise Parker, pasò por arriba del derecho del pueblo de votar para la aprobación o no aprobación del punto discutido hacienda caso omiso de las firmas recogidas, y no permitiò que se llevara a votación.

La Alcaldesa también usò el momento para sin considerar la Constituciòn ordenò que toda predicación religiosa de Sacerdotes y Pastores asì como la correspondencia pastoral privada de los mismos fuera presentada en Corte para ser valorada. En la orden emitida por la Alcaldesa incluìa sacerdotes y pastores que no tenìan nada que ver con la demanda presentada contra ella para que obedeciera y cumpliera a los ciudadanos a los ciudadanos de la ciudad de Houston votar libremente a favor o en contra de la Ordenanza que se había presentado.

Nosotros queremos expresar nuestro apoyo por todo el trabajo que se estè haciendo en contra de esta ley injusta, y de todas las acciones fuera de la ley que la Alcaldesa Anise Parker ha llevado a termino. Nosotros le enviamos a la Alcaldesa nuestra petición para que atienda la voluntad del pueblo de Houston que no aprueba lo que se ha hecho, y estamos convencidos que la Alcaldesa lo sabe perfectamente pues el temor de que no se apruebe lo que ella personalmente desea, es el mejor testimonio de que ella conoce la voluntad de la ciudadanía de Houston.

La cuestión del matrimonio homosexual o lesbiànico està en la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos en estudio de aprobar el cambio de la definición de lo que compone un matrimonio de acuerdo a lo que està dictado en la Constituciòn de los Estados Unidos .  Se busca cambiar  la definición de lo que es un matrimonio no solamente en la Constituciòn sino que le estamos diciendo al Creador de todas las cosas que se equivoco cuando hizo la Creaciòn.  De hacer eso definitivamente hemos pasado la raya de lo que Dios, el Creador,  pueda permitir a la soberbia humana.  Tenemos un gran temor de que se imponga el matrimonio de dos personas del mismo sexo oficialmente en todo el país..

Es nuestra absoluta intención que nuestras congregaciones, conciudadanos, dirigentes políticos y aquellos que se sientan como jueces en nuestro país, sepan de una vez por todas que, de aprobarse semejante definición y ley, se incurre en una total y absoluta violación de la letra y del espíritu de la Constituciòn de los Estados Unidos de America.  Muchìsimo mas importante, se incurre en una flagrante rebelión contra la Creaciòn del Dios único y verdadero y de la ley establecida por Él en la naturaleza humana.  El Creador  estableció que únicamente la unión de hombre y mujer estuviese habilitado para la procreación de otro ser humano.  A la misma vez,  es en el hogar compuesto por un padre y una madre, hombre y mujer, el  único lugar capaz de brindarle al hijo el grupo familiar en donde se desarrolle el nuevo ser humano balanceadamente por el amor y ejemplo de una vida familiar normal como fuè establecida por el Creador.

La unión de dos hombres o dos mujeres no puede producir otro ser humano y es por eso que no es apropiado que se aplique el nombre de matrimonio ni siquiera que se le reconozca legalmente a ese tipo de unión que en privado cada persona puede vivir como lo crea conveniente.

Las personas que viven en ese tipo de unión no debieran tener el permiso de adoptar niños ya que no es un derecho natural para ellos o ellas debido a que tampoco pueden producirlos pues esa unión no fuè lo que el Creador estableció.  Ademàs, si se viola el derecho del niño o niña adoptado a vivir en un hogar en donde encontrara el amor de un padre , hombre y una madre, mujer.

La Declaraciòn de Independencia establece claramente que nuestros derechos vienen de Dios, no del Estado.  El Estado puede justamente proteger esos derechos o, injustamente violarlos.  Ningùn gobierno, mucho menos una Corte no elegida en votación puede proclamar un derecho que claramente sea una violación del orden natural establecido por el Dios Creador.

La ùica forma en que la sociedad pueda aceptar las demandas de los activistas a favor de las personas homosexuales y lesbianas de darle el título de matrimonio a esa forma de relación, y de usar el baño que quieran en un restaurant , la ùica forma, repetimos, seria el ignorar que hombres y mujeres son diferentes, que tienen características únicas, y, a la vez, pretender que no hay diferencia entre un padre y una madre.  Esto se podría alcanzar si negamos lo que sabemos es una verdad incontrovertible….. pero, la Palabra de Dios nos alerta:  “ la cólera de Dios se revela desde el cielo contra toda impiedad e injusticia de los hombres que aprisionan la verdad en la injusticia “ Romanos 1, 18.

Nosotros queremos dar a conocer de este modo que nunca reconoceremos ninguna ley o decreto judicial como verdad o justo, que apruebe lo que Dios no ha establecido .  Nosotros no seremos intimidados a guardar silencio pero, si continuaremos “ obedeciendo  a Dios, no a los hombres “ Hechos de los Apòstoles 5, 29 y siempre proclamaremos las enseñanzas de Dios en cualquier materia, Hechos 20, 27.


V. Rev. Fr. Serge Veselinovich, Ss. Constantine and Helen Serbian Orthodox Church, Galveston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Dejan Tiosavljevic, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Cypress, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Gabriel Karam, Holy Forty Martyrs Antiochian Orthodox Church, Sugarland, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Huneycutt, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev, Fr. Anastasios Raptis, St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. John Whiteford, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring Texas
Hieromonk John (Anderson), St. Cyril Orthodox Church (OCA), The Woodlands, Texas
Rev. Fr. Lubomir Kupec, St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Cassian Sibley, Life-Giving Spring Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Bryan, Texas
Rev. Fr. Michael J. Lambakis, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. James Shadid, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Richard Petranek, St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Katy, Texas
Rev. Fr. Demetrios Tagaropulos. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Anthony Baba, St. Anthony Antiochian Orthodox Church, Spring, Texas
Rev. Fr. Symeon Kees, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Benigno Pardo, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
Rev. Fr. Christopher Xanthos, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dn. David Companik, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
Rev. Dn. Juvenaly Hale, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dn. Gabriel Gadah. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas

Friday, May 29, 2015

Gay Marriage and the Houston Gay Rights Ordinance

An Orthodox Wedding

We, the Orthodox clergy of Houston and Southeast Texas, are compelled by our responsibilities before God to speak out plainly against the rebellion against God's created order that we see being waged on both the local and national level.

It is God who created the two sexes, and established marriage at the time of creation, as our Lord Jesus Christ tells us:

"But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" (Mark 10:6-10; cf. Genesis 1:27; 2:24; 5:2).

The so called "Houston Equal Rights Ordinance," is nothing of the sort; but rather gives a man who wishes to consider himself a woman, on a given day, the right to use women's restrooms in the city of Houston. Such a man need not have even had a "sex change" operation, or even dress like a woman, since "gender" is considered to be a state of the mind rather than a biological fact. After the City council approved this unjust law, Christians of all races, denominations, and political affiliations organized a petition drive, which resulted in far more than the required number of signatures to get the issue on the ballot. But Mayor Annise Parker, disregarding the law, simply chose to disregard the will of the people and their right to vote in accordance with the law. She also used the occasion to unconstitutionally subpoena the sermons and private pastoral correspondences of pastors who were not even a party to a lawsuit that is seeking to force the Mayor to simply obey the law and allow the citizens of the city of Houston their right to vote. We wish to express our support for the fight against this unjust law, and the unlawful actions of Mayor Annise Parker, and we call upon her to cease ignoring the will of the people -- which she clearly knows does not support her actions, or else she would not fear leaving the matter to them.

The question of "gay marriage" is also before the Supreme Court, and it is feared that they will impose "gay marriage" on the entire United States. We want our parishioners, fellow citizens, political leaders, and our nation's judges to know that if this is done, it will be a violation of the letter and the spirit of the United States Constitution. More importantly, it will be an act of rebellion against "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." We have laws respecting marriage because only heterosexual relationships are capable of producing children, and those children are best provided for and properly raised within the context of traditional marriage.* Homosexual relationships cannot possibly produce children, and so cannot possibly fit the meaning of the word "marriage," neither should the state concern itself with recognizing such relationships. Homosexual couples also cannot provide both a mother and a father to a child, and so should not be allowed to adopt children.

The Declaration of Independence correctly states that our rights come from God, not from the state. The state can either justly protect those rights, or unjustly violate them. No government, much less an unelected court, can justly proclaim something to be a right which violates God's natural order. The only way society can accommodate the demands of homosexual activists to call their relationships "marriage" and to allow everyone to pick which restroom they desire, is to ignore that men and women are different and have unique characteristics, and to pretend that there is no difference between a mother and a father. This can only be accomplished if we all deny that which we know to be true, and "suppress the truth in unrighteousness" (Romans 1:18).

Let it be known that we will never recognize such laws or judicial decrees to be either right or just, nor will we be intimidated into silence, but will continue to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29), and proclaim the whole counsel of God on these issues (Acts 20:27).

*Infertile heterosexual couples are still capable of providing adopted children with both a mother and a father. Also, having children, while a primary purpose of marriage, it is not the only purpose for marriage as far as the Church is concerned; however, having children is the only reason why the state has a legitimate interest in marriage.

V. Rev. Fr. Serge Veselinovich, Ss. Constantine and Helen Serbian Orthodox Church, Galveston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Dejan Tiosavljevic, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Cypress, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Gabriel Karam, Holy Forty Martyrs Antiochian Orthodox Church, Sugarland, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Huneycutt, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev, Fr. Anastasios Raptis, St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. John Whiteford, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring Texas
Hieromonk John (Anderson), St. Cyril Orthodox Church (OCA), The Woodlands, Texas
Rev. Fr. Lubomir Kupec, St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Cassian Sibley, Life-Giving Spring Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Bryan, Texas
Rev. Fr. Michael J. Lambakis, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. James Shadid, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Richard Petranek, St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Katy, Texas
Rev. Fr. Demetrios Tagaropulos. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Anthony Baba, St. Anthony Antiochian Orthodox Church, Spring, Texas
Rev. Fr. Symeon Kees, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Benigno Pardo, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
Rev. Fr. Christopher Xanthos, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dn. David Companik, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
Rev. Dn. Juvenaly Hale, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dn. Gabriel Gadah. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas

More names from the clergy association are likely to be added

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sunday of Orthodoxy at St. Cyril Orthodox Church in the Woodlands

All the Orthodox Christians in the Houston area are invited to the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at 5:00 p.m., on Sunday, March 1st. This will be at St. Cyril Orthodox Church in The Woodlands:

3333 South Panther Creek Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Click here for directions.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Statement on the Comments of Fr. Robert Arida on Homosexuality

Statement of the Brotherhood of the Orthodox Clergy Association of Houston and Southeast Texas
on the Comments of Fr. Robert Arida on Homosexuality

In response to Fr. Robert Arida’s recent article, which was posted on the OCA’s Wonder blog, there have been many eloquent rebuttals.  We do not wish to attempt to reproduce those critiques here, but we do wish to underscore some of the more important points that have been made, and to speak out publically on this controversy.

We find it unacceptable for Orthodox Clergy, who have been given the charge to instruct and guide the laity, to suggest that the moral Tradition of the Orthodox Church needs to change with the times or with the prevalent culture. St. Paul admonishes us to "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). And it should be noted that the word translated "world" is not "kosmos" (the material world, world order, or people of the world), but  "tō aiōni" which refers to the age (or generation, or time) in which we live. And we have no better guide as to what the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God is than we find in the Scriptures and Tradition of the Church.

It is also contrary to our Tradition to write about matters of faith or piety in ways that are intentionally ambiguous – this is rather the approach of liberal Protestantism. As Sergey Khudiev wrote, in response to a previous statement by Fr. Robert Arida, which was likewise replete with studied ambiguity, liberal Protestants have “a particularity which entails a tendency to explain themselves with rhetorical questions, vague allusions and highly mysterious phrases from which you can with more or less justification guess at their positions, but are unable to explain clearly.”1

We are all the more concerned that members of Fr. Robert Arida’s parish who identify themselves as homosexuals, report that though they make no secret of their ongoing homosexual relationships, they are freely communed. One such person, wrote, on an open Facebook group (named oxymoronically “Pro-Gay Orthodox Christians”):  “I am gay... I was married to my husband in a civil ceremony in 2005. When I began attending Holy Trinity later that year I was completely up front with the priest. My husband, Martin, began attending liturgies regularly about two years ago. He was chrismated Holy Saturday earlier this year. Our relationship is not a secret; I have had no negative interactions with either clergy or laity in this parish. Martin and I are not the only gay people in the parish, though after Martin became Orthodox, we are the only Orthodox gay *couple* as far as I know. I don't think this constitutes "don't ask don't tell." More like "ask or tell whatever you like... we don't care." Just saying.”2

Fr. Robert Arida’s recent and past statements on the issue of homosexuality are a scandal to the faithful. They also present those who are sincerely struggling against homosexual temptations with additional temptations, and misdirection. As a pan Orthodox organization, we are also concerned that such blatant disregard for the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church present further obstacles to Orthodox unity in America. We can only unite around a common fidelity to the authentic faith and piety of our Tradition. If we are not united in that, then authentic unity is impossible.

This is not a matter that can be swept under the rug of "theologoumenon." A theologoumenon is an opinion that may or may not be correct, but which is neither an authoritative teaching of the Church, nor is it outside of the bounds of acceptable Orthodox opinion. Suggesting that homosexual sex may not really be a sin is not within the bounds of acceptable Orthodox opinion, but on the contrary, the consistent teaching of the Scriptures, canons, and the fathers and saints of the Church that homosexual sex is inherently sinful is clear and unambiguous.

We recognize that those who are struggling against homosexual temptations should be treated with pastoral patience, mercy, and love… as should sinners of any kind that are repenting of their sin, and seeking spiritual healing. However, suggesting to any sinner that their sin is not really a sin, and that they need not repent of it in order to worthily receive the Mysteries of the Church is pastoral malpractice, and cannot be tolerated.

We pray that the Bishops of the OCA will deal with this matter with the seriousness and urgency that it warrants, and put an end to these abuses.


V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Shahda, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Serge Veselinovich, Ss. Constantine and Helen Serbian Orthodox Church, Galveston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Dejan Tiosavljevic, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Cypress, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Gabriel Karam, Holy Forty Martyrs Antiochian Orthodox Church, Sugarland, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Huneycutt, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev, Fr. Anastasios Raptis, St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
V. Rev. Fr. John Whiteford, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring Texas
Hieromonk John (Anderson), St. Cyril Orthodox Church (OCA), The Woodlands, Texas
Rev. Fr. Lubomir Kupec, St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. George Dahdouh, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Cassian Sibley, Life-Giving Spring Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Bryan, Texas
Rev. Fr. Michael J. Lambakis, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. James Shadid, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Richard Petranek, St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Katy, Texas
Rev. Fr. James Early, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Stelios N. Sitaras, Holy Dormition Greek Orthodox Church, Galveston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Demetrios Tagaropulos. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Anthony Baba, St. Anthony Antiochian Orthodox Church, Spring, Texas
Rev. Fr. Symeon Kees, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Fr. Beningo Pardo, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
 Rev. Archdn. Meletios Marx, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dn. David Companik, St. Jonah Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Spring, Texas
Rev. Dn. Juvenaly Hale, St. Joseph Antiochian Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas


1. Sergey Khudiev, "Let Your Yea Be Yea and Your Nay Be Nay", July 5, 2011 <>

2. October 19, 2014 <>

This statement was approved unanimously by those present at our November 11, 2014 meeting, and other clergy who are members of our clergy association, who were not present, have asked to have their names added as well, more names may be added later.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Terry Lowry Interview regarding the Persecution of Christians in the Middle East

Terry Lowry is a conservative Christian Talk Show host who has been on the air for many years, and who was kind enough to have Fr. John Whiteford on his show to talk about the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. You can listen to the show by clicking here.

It starts off talking about Orthodoxy, because he was curious to know more about it, and then moves on to what is going on in the Middle East and what we can do about it.